I was tagged three times in the last month and unfortunately never found the time to respond. Oopsie! Thanks all to Jane of
Delight Your Senses, Terrica of
Fabuluxe Events, and Jessica Lynn of
Tying The Knot. An honorable mention goes out to Melissa of
Masterpiece Weddings who
almost tagged me.
Rules of "tag":
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog
2. Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I once rode on the top of an elevator. SexyHusband was stuck in said elevator; I called the technician and when he jacked open the outer doors and stepped inside, on top of the elevator, he asked me if I wanted to come too, “um… yes please!” It was oddly thrilling. I felt like I was in a Bruce Willis movie. The dude looked nothing like Bruce Willis. SexyHusband came out unscathed.
I love chairs. I don’t know why.
I believe that more people should curtsey to me*. Once upon a time I was in a store looking for something in particular (I don’t even remember what), I asked a salesgirl if she could check the back storeroom, she said she would, and then she sort of bowed/curtseyed to me. It was peculiar; it amused me, I was confused (why did she just do that?) I liked it a little too much and thus coined the phrase "
more people should bow to me". SexyHusband and I now use this private joke it if we’re getting bad service. It cracks me up. Also, on some days, but not all days, I’m convinced I should have been a princess**.
**not kidding
I severely dislike mushrooms. I was a very picky eater when I was a kid but have since trained myself to like most everything. I conquered tomatoes and yogurt just this past year. I’m a total foodie, I love to cook and I really love food so I don’t want to impede any gastronomic experiences. However, I cannot get myself beyond mushrooms. I don’t even like being in the same room with mushrooms.
I like to eat the top off things. I’m all about the icing. When I eat my favourite brownies that my Mom makes, I pop the icing off and eat it last. If I eat a cupcake or a muffin, I pop the top off, eat the bottom part, and then eat the top. It’s really the only way.
I like words and vocabulary and penmanship and fonts. I don’t like to abbreviate words. I like words so I like to spell them out.
My first job real job was scooping ice cream at Baskin-Robbins. I was 13 years old and made $3.30 an hour. I think I was there for about two weeks before I took over the making and decorating of all the pies and cakes. I worked there for two summers. Upon completion of my tenure at Baskin-Robbins I didn’t eat ice cream for about ten years.
Tag! You're It!
Abby of
Style Me PrettyKathryn of
Snippet & InkHeather of
One Love PhotoJenn of
Ramblings of a Renovating CoupleM(errilee?) of
It's LovelyPia of
enhance the everydayRebekah Anne and Ami Elizabeth of
Elizabeth Anne Designs