
Sunday Pic :: The Butt Bump!


How fun is this photo action collage by The Peeping Thom? Hee heeeee!


Cute Packaging

I love the idea of DIY anything and this packaging from Finch & Hawk Paper Goods found on Etsy is fab.



Cake Toppers:: Paper Sculpture by Concarta

I said I would blog what I love, and I would blog pretty. This incredible artist made for an easy choice.

I’ve been having a love affair with paper for as long as I can remember. When I was a girl you could give me a block of construction paper and some scissors and you wouldn’t see me for days. As an adult I love to scrapbook and make cards and I fashion myself a pretty paper connoisseur.

The creator behind these sculptures is, very simply, a genius; please enjoy these custom cake toppers by Concarta.

Custom work {and my favourite!}::

This was created for a 65th wedding anniversary::

Details {I adore the back of the brides' hair!}::


And bouquets of course!::

I know you want more, visit the Concarta Blog.



It’s been a long time.


You know that point in a friendship where you feel like it’s been so long since you spoke to a friend that it just might be too late to reconnect? You’re afraid to pick up the phone for fear that you’ll be rejected? Or berated? Or scolded, or criticized or told off?

I’ve missed my blog. I’ve missed her terribly actually. I don’t really want to get into all of the reasons why I went astray. Let’s just say that I felt it necessary to take pause.

And now, just like I was hoping, my desire to blog has returned. I can’t say I’ll be around all the time. I can’t say if the passion will return. I can’t say if things will change or stay the same. I can’t say what is going to happen.

I can say that I will blog for me. I can say that I will try to revive the motivation that led me to launch this blog in the first place. I can say that I’ll blog about pretty things and things that make me happy.

So… hi. Hi to my blog. Hi to anyone that still visits this blog.

And thank you.


Sunday Pic :: Valentine

I know we've all seen this photo by Jessica Claire but it's so apropos for this lovey dovey day.

*I love paper hearts. I love my husband. I love cookies and cupcakes. I love my mom and my dad and my sister. I love my friends. I love my puppy/niece, Miss Sophie Sopherson. I love people who love dogs. I love good books that you just can't put down. I love farmers markets. I love good huggers. I love trying new restaurants. I love action movies. I love chick movies. I love the snooze button. I love songs that trigger a good memory. I love driving through big puddles. I love mechanical pencils and pink pens. I love love.*

*In no particular order.


Valentine's Gifts!

Just for fun I thought I would put together a list of things I'd like for Valentine's Day. I am not high maintenance. I just like pretty things. Pretty things that happen to be expensive. No pressure though.

Poppy Signature Wristlet in silver/melon/magenta from Coach; Miss Chacha in red silk by none other than Christian Louboutin; Sexy Little Things I Love You Corset courtesy of Victoria’s Secret; A big fat kiss*; My Unique Stack of Tiffany Celebration Rings from Tiffany & Co. {the Tiffany Swing Three-Row Ring, flanked by two channel set bands. Yay!}; Dark Chocolate Lace Heart Box from Ladureé {I would wish it be filled with their signature macarons please! For the flavours I would choose... chocolate, bitter chocolate, vanilla, coffee, pistachio, raspberry, another raspberry, caramel with salted butter, red fruits, coconut, mint, praline, chocolate with cherry, chocolate with passionfruit, blueberry, another chocolate. And another raspberry. I really, really loved the raspberry!}

*I know that this is a chick kiss but a guy’s kiss doesn’t make as pretty a picture. No offense.

I love you SexyHusband! Thank you for being my everyday Valentine. And... don't worry if you don't buy me one of these gifts for Valentine's Day, my birthday is right around the corner.
